These are all symptoms of an all too common inability in new rappers to fully perform, start to finish, what they have written. Fast flow, complex rhyming patterns and insane rhythmic structures. With rappers, this is often the opposite. The key will be to make sure you can hear and understand every word and that there is plenty of time and space for the listener to process what is being said.
When you’re working with singers, you tend to find that they will focus on enunciation and melody. Dealing with fast flows and tricky sentences Let’s dive into some of the key considerations to keep in mind when recording rap vocals. When you attempt to record rap vocals, you’re probably going to find most of the techniques and concepts you’ve already learnt go out of the window. However, as you may be starting to learn, there are quite a few different ways to approach even the simplest of processes. It’s normally a gateway for many people to get into the music tech industry due to the limited amount of resources required. Many of you reading this have inevitably done some form of vocal recording before.